Sky light
The reason why
Selasa, 12 Mac 2019 {0} | Leave a comment ?

Farha pernah cakap kat aku
Ady ni boleh jadik motivator tapi kenapa depress?

You know what,
Depression isnt easy to see

Sometimes, we smile but theres a ton load of negative thoughts filling our head
Sometimes, we just lost interest in everything so we spent days laying on bed and people just ask why we're being lazy
Sometimes, we got weird urges, but we fight and get through them silently by taking a good look at our beloved(s)
Sometimes we just cries over and over under the blanket and no one hears

You see,
Being depressed is not something we would show to others
Being depressed is what we keep to ourselves even without realising it
Cheerful people just never ever thought someone else would be sad enough to kill themselves.
Because cheerful people and perfectly healthy
They have no weird ideas.

And depressed people?
We suffer by ourselves.

Themes by Apis
Sidebar by Wana
Backgrounds : Nana
Others : Wanaseoby