Sky light
Rabu, 27 Mac 2019 {0} | Leave a comment ?

semalam aku nak masak.
tapi tak jumpa pisau kayu yang aku selalu guna tu so
aku jumpa pisau handle hitam. nampak besar but less intimidating daripada pisau ceramik yang biru tu
selamba je karok sambil masak casserole. [i needed that karaoke session tho]
potong ape je; sosej, bawang merah bawang putih, sawi, itu pun sawi cenenot je tinggal

tapi entah kenapa aku reckless
pastu aku letak pisau kat hujung
pastu aku terlanggar and jatuh
luckily tak kena kaki

my first thought was
"oh shit benda yg aku takutkan selama ni dah jadi"

akhirnya. takut pisau jatuh
but in the end, seperti selalu
nothing bad happened.
tak kena kaki, tak luka, tak berdarah.

everything just fine.

tapi otak aku melilau. what if, kena gak tadi??
shit it was scary.

tangkap gamba sebagai peringatan
jangan takut lagi,
nothing bad will happen,
this world is safe enough,

tapi what if

that thought made me cry.


pas abis makan aku cuba untuk siapkan keje assigment yg memang dah due.
tapi otak aku terawang awang.


and progressively, tangan aku sakit lagi
and plus, kaki kiri aku pun jadi kebas [xtau lah if disebabkan kita banyak berdiri lama]
and aku sedar, it wasnt and never was intended as slitting
ianya benda yg en kaunselor bagitahu kat aku
psychosomatic symptom

when your mind get stressed, your body also get tense.

muscle tension.

is what i suffer from

for years im searching for the answer

turns out

the answer is simple

muscle soreness.

thats it.


for a while, walaupun aku yang tangkap gamba pisau tu,
tapi gamba tu jadi intimidating

kaunselor kata takpe.

at least awak tak over panicked
awak jadi lebih berhati2

awak okey je kan..

Themes by Apis
Sidebar by Wana
Backgrounds : Nana
Others : Wanaseoby