Sky light
thoughts; #realization
Ahad, 1 Mei 2016 {0} | Leave a comment ?

assalam.. hey, berhabuknya blog ni enn haha
aku nak citer something. pasal lost in the jungle, pasal #realization.

benda ni start shitting me time study week ari tuh.
aku pergi main dgn api, figuratively..
then aku hilang segala mood blaja,
yg memang dah hilang untuk at least dua bulan.

entah lah, maybe sbb cuaca panas sangat. otak aku tak dapat nak cerna apa2 pun daripada kelas.

then... the night after second last subject paper, aku baca versus by hlovate.
yep buku tuh memang dah lama. but i was never a fan of hlovate.
"love the art not the artist ;P"
after that,, i was like in a full realization.
i cried, and went into a blackhole, and reach out to people..
and then somebody said : kau homesick eh snanye?


semua ni semata2 sebab homesick ? ?

then i was like missing everybody, every single person..
and it hurts so much.
the realization, the miss, the realization.

its hard to come back to study mode. and i hope i did good.
at least i did good if not the best.

hmm, aku rasa macam lost track je dgn mesej asal.

oh, time aku borak dgn salah sorg kawan yg aku reach out tuh..
aku jumpe satu perkara.
and its true. most of us are.. bab follow the flow tuh i mean. ade orang stayed on track, ade orang lost, ade orang try lari. ikut lah ape yg diorg jumpe, priority masing2.

and.. tentang being lost
aku rasa actually,, kite ni mencari jauh sangat.
sampai lupa nak lihat kat sekitar kita sendiri.
babe, look around yourself

weh, korang tengok tak citer its alright thats love. go hyejin x jo insung. korean movie. on psychiatry. check that out babeh..

okeh, tu je kot aku nak bebel. muntah kan sedikit rasa hati kat sini.
kalau nak tgk brp banyak lagi aku dah muntahkan. friend me at fb : irene adler. or search for #realization


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