Sky light
ah stress
Ahad, 19 Oktober 2014 {0} | Leave a comment ?

Hello hai assalamualaikum

Hari tu aku ade bace satu buku ni tajuk die its kind of a funny story by ned vizzini.
Seriuosly mase first time aku tengok tajuk buku tu aku terus interested nak beli.
Buku tu citer pasal budak 15 taon ade depression and suicidal thoughts so he was sent to the psych hosp.
Haha. Terkejut bila dapat tahu that based on self experience book author was dead on suicide. Pity him.

But then
Korang ingat tak yang dulu aku ade citer pasal aku ade eczema. It got worse since aku diserang asthma awal taon hari tu.

Y'know what. Eczema can lead to depression. And ive stopped going to school because of it.
Ade seminggu je lagi nak espiyem tapi aku seriously takde feel nak studi.

Got depressed over things.
And i dont really know what to do about it.

Dah terlambat nak cari tuisyen.
So aku kena berperang sendiri dgn kemalasan aku.

Akak aku kata instead of studying i was only babysitting.

Shit. Kalu camnie memang harapan je la nak dapat straight As.
Maybe just 9As? Wallahualam.

Oh yea. Aku nak buat satu post ni pasal resdung. Aku nak warning sumorg sebab resdung ni boleh mnyebabkan asthma dan seterusnya eczema. Its immune/allergy problem. And its hereditary.

Tapi that post must wait.
Aku nak get a hold of myself dulu.
Perangi espiyem.
Baru lah aku ade mood kot.



selamber badak
Jumaat, 3 Oktober 2014 {0} | Leave a comment ?

setia cinta 11
setia cinta 12

hyep. ini is just like what you think. tanpa menghiraukan espiyem,

ini flashback waktu diorang berdua form five. jangan pelik sangat.

nanti aku putar balek.

just tell me if you want more.

i think part ni cuma ade 5 eps jer.

s'okay. bye.

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