Sky light
sem baru - takut
Sabtu, 1 September 2018 {0} | Leave a comment ?

sem baru bakal bermula. lets brace up ourselves for the hardships of tomorrow and strive till the end
sempena ini, ady nak minx maaf in advance sebab ady may cause you guys inconveniences in the future
whether its minor, moderate or major inconveniences
especially on the late of september and october
because theres some dates that gave extreme impression on my memories (we never know if its too good or too bad for the memory so we never and will never label them good or bad.)
you see, life happens 
last sem i got anxious thoughts 
like tons of em
sampaikan ady jadi tak mau percaya pada dunia ady
but alhamdulillah with good support from people, im slowly building the strength to rebuild a better world for myself
a better me, better ways, better env.
anyways, in case thoughts beat the hell out of me, im gonna have to say sorry for when i cant function properly as a student, a partner, a group member, a friend, a person in general
one thing id hope is for you guys to not like nor comment nor even talk about this post even though this does exist
ill disregard any likes as accidental or purposely accidental because some of you might not read the caption till the end
support me by keeping the zero count, okay. 😘😘
#aconfession #keepitup

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